Strona główna

Józef E. Sienkiew...
Badania naukowe


Interatomic potentials

    w fizyce

EGAS 2009

Oferta współpracy

Administracja stroną

Prof. dr hab. Józef E. Sienkiewicz, prof. zw. PG

Katedra Fizyki Teoretycznej i Informatyki Kwantowej
Wydział Fizyki Technicznej i Matematyki Stosowanej
Politechnika Gdańska

416 Gmach Główny B
ul. Narutowicza 11/12, 80-952 Gdańsk
Tel. / Fax: (+48 58) 347 22 25 / (+48 58) 347 28 21
Adres e-mail:
Moja Strona Domowa

Zainteresowania naukowe

oddziaływania międzyatomowe, zderzenia elektronowe, lasery rentgenowskie, wychwyt ładunku w biomolekułach, struktury i widma atomów i molekuł, w tym związków kompleksowych, reakcje spalania, algorytmy rozwiązywania równań Diraca.

Wybrane publikacje

P. Jasik, J.E. Sienkiewicz, Transition dipole moment sof the lithium dimer, Preprint submitted to Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables (2011)

P. Jasik, L. Wilczyński, J.E. Sienkiewicz "Calculation of adiabatic potentials of Li2", European Physical Journal-Special Topics, (2007) 85-91

P. Jasik, J. E. Sienkiewicz, Calculation of adiabatic potentials of Li2, Chemistry of Physics, (2006) 563-573

K. Piechowska-Strumik, M.-C. Bachus-Montabonel, S. Tergiman, J. E. Sienkiewicz, An ab initio study of the excited states of the vinoxy radical, Chemical Physics Letters, (2006) 225-228

P. Syty, J. E. Sienkiewicz, Relativistic multiconfiguration method in low-energy scattering of electrons from argon atoms, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. (2005) 2859-2869

M.-C. Bachus-Montabonel, K. Piechowska-Strumik, , S. Tergiman, J. E. Sienkiewicz, Photodissociation of polyatomic systems: non-adiabatic effects and conical intersection, J. Molec. Structure: TEOCHEM. (2005) 115-123

P. Jasik, J.E. Sienkiewicz, Adiabatic potential energy curves of Li2
W: Atomic and Molecular Physics (2005) 82-87

K. Piechowska-Strumik, M.-C. Bachus-Montabonel, S. Tergiman, J. E. Sienkiewicz, Adiabatic potential energy surfaces of the vinoxy radical, W: Atomic and Molecular Physics (2005) 239-241

M.-C. Bachus-Montabonel, M. D. Łabuda, S. Tergiman, J. E. Sienkiewicz, Theoretical treatment of charge-transfer processes induced by collision of C^q+ ions with uracil, Phys. Rev. A. (2005) 052706-1-9

M.D. Łabuda, S. Tergiman and M.-C. Bacchus-Montabonel and J.E. Sienkiewicz "State selective electron capture in the collisions of S3+ ions in atomic hydrogen and helium" Int. J. Mol. Sci. 5 (2004) 265-275

M.D. Łabuda, S. Tergiman and M.-C. Bacchus-Montabonel and J.E. Sienkiewicz "Ab initio molecular treatment for charge transfer by S3+ ion on hydrogen" Chem. Phys. Lett. 394 (2004) 446-451

A.R. Milosavljevic, S. Telega, D. Sevic, J. E. Sienkiewicz and B. Marinkovic "The high-energy critical minimum in elastic electron scattering by argon." Eur. Phys. J. D 29 (2004) 329-336

A. R. Milosavljevic, S. Telega, D. Seviæ, J. E. Sienkiewicz and B. Marinkovic "Elastic electron scattering by argon in the vicinity of the high-energy critical minimum." Rad. Phys. Chem. 70 (2004) 669-676

J. E. Sienkiewicz, S. Telega, P. Syty and S. Fritzsche "Critical minima in elastic scattering of electrons from Ar and Zn." Rad. Phys. Chem. 68 (2003) 285-289

P. Syty, J. E. Sienkiewicz and S. Fritzsche "Relativistic multiconfiguration method in low-energy scattering of elect-rons from xenon atoms." Rad. Phys. Chem. 68 (2003) 301-305

S. Fritzsche, H. Aksela, C. Z. Dong, S. Heinasmaki and J. E. Sienkiewicz "Theoretical Auger and photoionization studies for open-shell atoms andions." Nucl. Instr. Meth. 205 (2003) 93-98

J. E. Sienkiewicz, S. Telega, P Syty and S. Fritzsche "Differential cross section minima in elastic scattering of electrons from zinc." Phys. Lett. A 293 (2002) 183-187

C. Z. Dong, S. Fritzsche, J. S. Joshua and J. E. Sienkiewicz &qout;Theoretical level structure and decay dynamics of nickel-like ions: search for laser lines in the soft x-ray domain." Phys. Scr. 92 (2001) 314-316

J. E. Sienkiewicz, V. Konopiñska, S. Telega and P. Syty "Critical minima in elastic scattering form argon" J. Phys. B 34 (2001) L409-L418

V. Konopiñska, S. Telega and J. E. Sienkiewicz "Electron-argon scattering: a high angle minimum in differential cross section'" Task Quart. 5 (2001) 13-16

J. I. Kukielski and J. E. Sienkiewicz "Band shape analysis of vibronic spectra of flexible molecules in solution." Molec. Simul. 26 (2001) 157-165

J. E. Sienkiewicz, S. Fritzsche and P. Syty "Exchange contributions to spin polarization in low-energy electron scattering from Xe and Hg." Acta Phys. Pol. A. 98 (2000) 41-46

P. Horodecki, J. Kwela and J. E. Sienkiewicz "Stark-mixing effect on the 6p2 1S0-6p2 3P2 transition in PbI" Eur. Phys. J. D6 (1999) 435-440

S. Fritzsche, B. Fricke, D. Geschke, A. Heitmann and J. E. Sienkiewicz "Forbidden transitions in the ground-state configuration of low-Z phosphorus-like ions" Astrophys. J. 518 (1999) 994-1001

S. Fritzsche, F. Koike, J. E. Sienkiewicz and N. Vaeck "Calculation of relativistic atomic transition and ionization properties for highly-charged ions" Phys. Scr. T80 (1999) 479-81

P. Horodecki and J. E. Sienkiewicz "Report on multiconfiguration-interaction calculations of transitions in lead" Task Quarterly 2 (1998) 97-100

J. E. Sienkiewicz "Differential cross sections for elastic scattering of electrons by mercury" J. Phys. B 30 (1997) 1261-1267

J. E. Sienkiewicz and W. E. Baylis "Relativistic multiconfigurational approach to spin polarization of slow-electrons elastically scattered from krypton" Phys. Rev. A 55 (1997) 1108-1112

J. E. Sienkiewicz, S. Fritzsche and I. P. Grant "Relativistic configuration-interaction approach to the elastic low-energy scattering of electrons from atoms" J. Phys. B 28 (1995) L633-L636

W. E. Baylis and J. E. Sienkiewicz "Polarization trajectories" J. Phys. B 28 (1995) L549-L553

R. Szmytkowski and J. E. Sienkiewicz ":Elastic scattering of electrons by strontium and barium atoms" Phys. Rev. A 50 (1994) 4007-4010

R. Szmytkowski and J. E. Sienkiewicz "Spin polarization of slow electrons elastically scattered from xenon atoms" J. Phys. B 27 (1994) 2277-2282

R. Szmytkowski and J. E. Sienkiewicz "Spin polarization of slow electrons elastically scattered from mercury, cadmium and zinc atoms" J. Phys. B 27 (1994) 555-563

J. E. Sienkiewicz and W. E. Baylis "Differential cross sections in the elastic scattering of electrons from krypton" J. Phys. B 25 (1992) 2081-9

J. E. Sienkiewicz and W. E. Baylis "Spin polarisation of electrons elastically scattered from krypton" J. Phys. B 24 (1991) 1739-48

J. E. Sienkiewicz and W. E. Baylis "Elastic scattering of positrons on mercury: a negative-energy Dirac-Fock treatment&qout; Phys. Rev. A 43 (1991) 1331-5

J. E. Sienkiewicz and W. E. Baylis "The polarisation of electrons elastically scattered from xenon" J. Phys. B 24 (1991) 265-274

J. E. Sienkiewicz "Spin polarisation of electrons elastically scattered from lead" Phys. Lett. A 143 (1990) 244-6

J. E. Sienkiewicz "Spin polarisation and differential cross sections in elastic low-energy scattering of electrons from mercury" J. Phys. B 23 (1990) 1869-78

J. E. Sienkiewicz and W. E. Baylis "Low energy elastic scattering e-Xe: the effect of exchange in the polarisation potential" J. Phys. B 22 (1989) 3733-45

J. E. Sienkiewicz and W. E. Baylis "Low-energy scattering of positrons on argon" Phys. Rev. A 40 (1989) 3662-8

J. E. Sienkiewicz and W. E. Baylis "The polarisation of electrons elastically scattered from argon" J. Phys. B 21 (1988) 885-94

E. Czuchaj, J. E. Sienkiewicz and W. Miklaszewski "Non-local pseudopotentials for electron-rare gas atom interaction" Chem. Phys. 116 (1987) 69-78

J. E. Sienkiewicz and W. E. Baylis "A relativistic approach to the elastic scattering of electrons by argon" J. Phys. B 20 (1987) 5145-56

E. Czuchaj and J. E. Sienkiewicz "Improved pseudopotential calculations of the adiabatic potentials and oscillator strengths of Tl-heavy noble gas systems" Z. Naturforsch. 439a (1984) 513-23

E. Czuchaj and J. E. Sienkiewicz "Pseudopotential calculation of the adiabatic potentials and oscillator strengths of cadmium-rare-gas pairs" J. Phys. B 17 (1984) 2251-67

E. Czuchaj and J. E. Sienkiewicz "Adiabatic potentials of the alkali- rare gas atom pairs" Z. Naturforsch. 434a (1979) 694-701

Współpraca naukowa

dr M.-C. Bacchus-Montabonel, Uniwersytet Lyoński, Francja
prof. W.E. Baylis, Uniwersytet w Windsor, Kanada
dr hab. St. Fritzsche, Uniwersytet Techniczny w Kassel, Niemcy
prof. F.A. Gianturco, Uniwersytet Rzymski, Włochy
prof. I.P. Grant, Uniwersytet Oksfordzki, Wielka Brytania
prof. P. Kowalczyk, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Polska
prof. W. Jastrzębski, Instytut Fizyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Warszawie, Polska


Staże naukowe:
Uniwersytet w Windsor, w sumie 4 lata (1986-88, 1990-91, 1995)
Uniwersytet Paryski, 1 miesiąc (1990)
Uniwersytet Oksfordzki
w sumie 13 miesięcy (1993, 94, 96, 97)
Uniwersytet Techniczny w Kassel
w sumie 1,5 miesiąca (1997, 1999)

Dodatkowe informacje kontaktowe

Godziny przyjęć: wtorek 12-14
seminarium doktoranckie: wtorek 16-18 p. 416

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